Thursday, January 5

Let's Raise Our {Martinelli Filled} Glasses to 2012!

Well everyone, 2012 is here! Hip Hip Hooray!!

I figured that since I am here in the New Year, ready for a new start, I'd begin a brand new blog! I believe this is going to be the beginning of a new chapter for me in my life, and a lot has changed since the New Year celebration of 2011 (see last year's post here.)

Here's some of the important stuff from 2011:
New Year 2012
  • New Job.
  • New Budget. (HUZZAH!)
  • New Car.
  • Made top 10 at Miss Utah.
  • Won Instrumentalist Award at Miss Utah.
  • New iPhone.
  • New Friends.
  • New Goals.

... and the list goes on and on.

2011 was as good as gold. ;)

As for 2012,
"I'm ready, Freddy!"

(apologies for the poor quality photo.. downloaded from my iPhone..)

1 comment:

  1. Not only was I the first to follow the blog, I am the first to comment as well! 2011 did sound like a great year, and who is Freddy?
