Thursday, September 5

How to Make Stress Your Friend | No, Really!

I would have to say that one of the toughest battles for me growing up and especially now as an adult(ish..) person, is stress.  I think that's a pretty common battle for many people.  I stress about absolutely everything.  It's a basic part of my every day journey.  Some days it's more difficult than others.  Some days the stress gets unbearable until all I want to do is sleep.  Some days it's just a light stress, but it's still there!  Again, I think everyone can relate.

But, did you know that you can see your stress in a different way, so it actually can be healthy for you to be stressed.  If you're anything like me, when you're stressed you feel your heart pounding and it stresses you out even more.  No bueno.  Anyway, I plan on watching this 15 minute video several times a week until it's a normal part of my thinking process.  I like what she has to say.

1 comment:

  1. Stress free life would be perfect! This video gave some great advice! Thanks for sharing !
